Turns out the buyer and the girl have so much in common - they're both from Canada and even from the same city. As it turns out, they even have mutual acquaintances! Then they moved on to memories of sex parties in their college days. How could such a momentous meeting go without sex? The girl was so turned on that she didn't mind communicating with his cock closer. Lucky for the man. ))
If I had a neighbor like that living in my apartment, I would give her a daily cunny, too. And I would invite my friends over to fuck her. She had such a beautiful pussy that my tongue would be drawn to it. Of course, she liked that kind of cock, so she didn't mind spreading her legs. I wouldn't have been surprised even if he had cum in her mouth - girls like that like to be used as bitches. That was a good morning!
You can see that the woman is a professional, which is no stranger to double penetration, or anal, or group porn